Tuesday, January 27, 2009

After my second day at work as an engaged man, I've heard every joke there is about the ol "Ball and Chain" and "Losing my manhood", and... I'm beginning to think they're right.

In between all of the actual work I have to do, and trying to pick out the manliest groomsmen gifts I can find, I keep getting IMs like "Should we do 'Save-the-date' magnets or cards?" or "What do you think about a string quartet?" and I find myself actually considering answering these questions. Even worse, I actually used the word "Cute" today. I'm beginning to think Haley may be right. I even know that it's a runner, not a rug.

I've heard all my life that once you get married, the woman is in charge. No one cared to tell me that that day actually came well before the wedding day. Not only is the woman in charge, but her mom, your mom, her sisters, your sister, her grandmothers and your grandmothers, and even women you've never even met before get to boss you around and all you can do is smile and nod. I don't think I've spoken in 4 days.

O... and apparently ITunes has wedding music. Sooooo guess what I got to listen to on my way to the gym today. Ashlea's not crazy, she was just asking me what I thought about each song, but they all sound the same to me. I just hope you bridesmaids are as pumped up before the wedding as I was before my squats today, cuz that music will really get you going.


  1. We really should start a club for people who have successfully (A)dated and (B) married a McGuire girl. Once you burn that bridge, we'll set some bylaws. I'm glad it's not me this time.

  2. cuz? Are you from Terry? You sure spell like it!
