Sunday, February 15, 2009

Ahhhhh, there's nothing like spending Valentine's weekend with your fiance. Most of my blogs are general Public Service Announcements for all men, but I think I'm going to take this one in another direction. I'm just going to tell everyone about our lovely romantic weekend.

After work on Friday we had a nice romantic dinner. Nothing like Froghead with the future sisters-in-law and their signifant others to set the mood. I walked right out of there with the cup, didn't even give it back. THUGLIFE.

After our romantic dinner, I thought I would kick it up a notch and take her to a movie. Of course a future sister-in-law and her significant other came with us. As we sat down and held hands as "Friday the 13th" started, I knew I had swept her off her feet. Saturday was going to be the BEST Valentine's day EVER.

Well... Valentine's day came. Today is our day to just be alone, and be romantic. It's all about us. Sooo, we go register for wedding gifts. We started at the Cupboard (great place, check it out) where Ashlea and Meg got into a fight because my fiance didn't have a clue what theme she was going for in the kitchen. I knew I was in for a LONG day. By the way, our theme is not Rainbow, but someone can't handle such big decisions under pressure. So she wrote Rainbow.

We got out of the cupboard with no further incident, and were off to Target. I don't really like going to Target, but this TOTALLY changed my opinion of it. They gave us a scanner and told us to scan whatever we wanted. WHATEVER WE WANTED. SO, I DID. I couldn't figure out why Ashlea kept getting mad at me for scanning all of this cool stuff I was seeing. After all, everyone at work has been telling me to scan anything and everything. Turns out, I was right. We left Target with only 40 things on our registry. My beautiful bride-to-be began to get the point. JUST SCAN.

Our next stop was at Bed Bath and Beyond. This place was a trip. We sat down at a little desk with a nice man named Don who told us all about the china and silverware. NICE DON, but where's the scanner. After Don finally gave us the scanner, and a powerpoint presentation on how to use the thing, we were off. She was beginning to get the point and started telling me to scan all kinds of stuff. I was so proud. We were doing pretty good until we got in the bathrug section and some 6 year old flew around the corner of an aisle and gave me the stink-eye (yeah the stink eye from a 6 year old). He was fierce. I looked at little Damian and quickly apologized for whatever action I did that may have offended the spawn of Satan. I then grabbed my fiance and saved her from the evil rug station before anything bad happened to her.

Not long after my face-to-face with the devil himself, we were done scanning. Don had given us a clipboard along with the scanner and I was holding both of them while Ashlea was roaming around the store. So here I am, in a retail store with a scanner, a clipboard, and not making any eye contact with the customers so they wouldn't think I was some manager taking inventory. I literally had to ignore some people. Sorry BB&B, but you should think that through a little better before you send people out w/ scanners and clipboards.

Sunday was supposed to be a nice relaxing picnic in Edwards at the lake with the in-laws. OOOO NOOOOO. We started off with a little batmiddon as Jake calls it, then played about an hour of volleyball. All fun and games right? I haven't gotten to the paintball part yet. For some reason I agreed to play paintball with Ashlea, Matt, and my future father-in-law, Jimmy. I've played other sports with the man, and knew this couldn't be a good idea. Ashlea and I were on a team against the two of them. It was the usual painful paintball game until my future father-in-law decided to welcome me to the family by putting a hole the size of a truck in my neck. No people it's not a hickey, it's a battle wound. The battle wound wouldn't be so bad if we didn't have to take engagement pictures on Tuesday. YAY. I'm sure I'll have great stories about that.

Anyway, sorry to bore everyone with an actual story, instead of great man advice, but some things I just have to share.

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