Monday, April 13, 2009


I'm not really sure how to spell Karma (Kharma?), or really what it even is, but I'm pretty sure it's chasing me, and I can't get away. I feel like Earl. I've been a slacker lately and karma is trying to tell me to get back on my game. Hence the blogging tonight. I'm just trying to do what it tells me.

I have been meaning to get my brakes fixed for a very long time now, and as the world's greates procrastinator, have just been putting it off. I hit a pothole yesterday and almost killed me and my beautiful bride-to-be. I saved us, of course. Anyway, on the way back, my truck started making this ridiculously loud screeching noise from one of my front wheels. The noise started just as we pulled in to the neighborhood and EVERY neighbor was outside at that moment. Ashlea was SO embarassed and it hurt my feelings.

So I took the tire off and tried to spin the rotor, but it was hard to turn and made that noise again. To spare my fiance of any more embarassment, I put the tire back on and decided to just leave the truck in the garage and call a tow truck in the morning to tow it and get the brakes fixed. I told her it was karma because I have needed to get my brakes fixed for months, and so they just finally gave out in a BIG way. After a few hours of stressing about karma, I vowed to do everything I'd been putting off. Stuff at work, taxes, groomsmen gifts, and BLOGGING. So I promised karma and God that I would do ALL of these things on Monday.

After stressing about the brakes for several more hours, we decided to call Ashlea's dad. He'll at least know how to stop the embarassing noise so she can face her neighbors again. He came over and I took the tire off for him to inspect this mysterious brake problem we were faced with. About 1.2 seconds later he asks me for a screwdriver and pops a rock out of nowhere, spins the rotor, NO NOISE. All these promises and all this stress over a stupid rock the size of my pinky nail. Suddenly, all those promises I made came to me. I debated on whether God and karma would forget it all because it turned out to be a silly little rock, but decided not to chance it, so this is why I'm blogging. (If you wanted to know why).

As an added bonus, after a 10 hour workday, I left with as much work as I started, still have no groomsmen gifts, I now owe the IRS more than I can even take out a loan for... but at least karma is happy with me.

The wedding stuff has been pretty fun lately. We went to get our marriage license several weeks ago, but found out that they are only good for 60 days, and if we would have gotten it while we were there, it would have been 63 days away. I didn't see anything wrong with this, but Ashlea did, so my expired marriage license idea was scratched, but you're welcome to try it for yourself if you want.

On that trip, we also got to try the wedding cakes. HOLY GOD this was by far my favorite part of the whole wedding planning. This girl brings out a plate full of cake and icing. She talked to us for a good 30 minutes and when it was over, there was NOTHING left. Literally NOTHING. So then we thought if we asked for the caterer, maybe he would bring a plate too. LAME-O didn't bring anything. Lesson learned I guess.

Ashlea went on her bachelorette party on Friday with all her bridesmaids and friends. I'm kinda hoping the pictures have been edited for my viewing because if not, we're really going to have to tone down my party plans. The girls did meet Andy Roddick thoush, so I'm hoping maybe we can run into Anna Kournikova or Maria Sharapova in Memphis. Maybe karma owes me one after this week!!